Friday, August 5, 2011

Beginning Graphing

Posted by Kristin at 7:49 PM
I apologize for not getting yesterday's post done.  Naptime is my typical "blogging" time and naptime the past couple days was less than restful for me.  Let's just sum it up to say that I'm ready for school to start so those big kids can get back on schedule. ;)

Anywho, yesterday we worked on one-to-one correspondence and I'm happy to say that almost everyone has a good grasp of it.  Granted it needs a little fine tuning, but we do have the whole year.  We started with our raised-letter name cards and counted the letters in everyone's name.  Then we placed a Lego block on each letter.  Once each letter was accounted for, the children made a stack of the letters in their own name.

We placed the stacks next to each other and made our first graph.  We discussed how some stacks were the same height and some were shorter/taller.  The terms greater than, less than and equal were introduced.  While I don't expect mastery of number comparison, these are terms that are used frequently used in early math to compare quantities and a general knowledge of them will come in handy later on.

For table work, the kids used their name cards and traced the letters with their fingers.  Next week we will start working on name writing with similar activities.  And, by popular demand, the Play-Doh made its way to the table where lots of cutting, rolling and cookie making occured.


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